Month: October 2023

Adding & Subtracting Unlike Fractions

Today for Maths, my maths group & I learnt about adding & subtracting fractions with related denominators. The first step is we needed to figure out the multiples of the 2 denominators, also knwon as LCD (Least Common Denominator). Next we had to modify a fraction so that both denominators are the same. Once the denominators are the same, you can now add & subtract them but the denominators stay the same.

Island Breeze Performance

On the 27th of October, GTS students went to the hall to watch a performance presented by Island Breeze. They’re a group based on Hawaii but the members apart of Island Breeze come from different countries around the world. They performed different types of dances such as Hawaii, Cook Island & Samoan. My fav part of the performance is where 5 members sang what they wanted their job to be in the future. The message in the song is that they all wanted to have different jobs which made them unique and different from each other.

Infinite & Finite

Today for Maths, we focused on learning how to understand infinite & finite numbers. Whole numbers are numbers that start from 0 and count on like 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on. Counting/natural numbers are similar to whole numbers but they start counting with 1. Integers are a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative or zero. A rational number is any number that can be written as a fraction where both the numerator & the denominator are integers and the denominator is not equal to zero. Lastly is the irrational numbers, the meaning of irrational is not having a ratio.

Team Tui Probability Games

Today, Team Tui did Probability Games and had 3 rotations which were playing cards, greedy pig and bottle flipping. My favourite rotations were bottle flipping and greedy pig because those were the rotations that had rewards (lollies). Greedy pig was an activity where you had to roll a dice and add it up to 50. If we rolled the dice and got 1 then we had to restart and reset to 0. My second fav activity was bottle flipping. We needed to count how many times we failed to land the bottle and count how many times we landed it. We used a tally chart to calculate our data but the most thing everyone was interested to do is to film ourselves flipping the bottle. If we land the bottle on camera then we will be rewarded 2 lollies.

Making Inferences

What is an inference? An inference is something you figure out by using evidence/clues to get the answer. I learnt that books or texts aren’t only the things that have inferences, there’s also inference in life. For example, your friends planned a birthday party for you and whenever you asked them about it, they denied it. You knew you were right when they started blowing balloons and wouldn’t let you go into a certain room. Therefore, inferences can be said anywhere and you don’t even realize it.